Buildafrique – Construction Labour Contract Consultants And Quantity Surveyors In Kenya.

Buildafrique is a Construction Labour Contract Consultants in Kenya and Quantity Surveyors in Nairobi with a focus on saving up to 30% of the building costs in Development and Real Estate Investment projects through a Labour Contract procurement management system, whereby we provide specialized services to construction projects labor procurement management to manage and optimize construction building costs in Kenya.

Additionally, Buildafrique helps in managing, structuring, tender procurement, and controlling the labor-related costs in construction projects, playing a critical role in ensuring that labor contracts are financially sound and properly controlled and that the project remains within budget.

Buildafrique therefore brings in the Construction Labor Contract expertise and Quantity Surveying expertise for efficient project management, cost control, and compliance in a construction project, thereby contributing to the successful completion of construction projects while minimizing risks and ensuring that labor contracts and costs are managed effectively. Below is a detailed look at the range of services that Buildafrique can provide as Construction Labour Contract Consultants and Quantity Surveyors in Kenya:

1.            Preparation of Materials and Labour Schedule: Buildafrique brings its wide experience in construction cost consultancy and Quantity Surveying to prepare detailed materials and labor schedules for cost estimation and tender documentation purposes to ensure actual cost estimation and competitive tendering.

2.           Tendering for Construction Labour Contracts: Additionally, Buildafrique has wide experience in tendering for construction labor contracts, tender documentation, tender invitations, tender evaluation and analysis, tender reporting, and tender recommendation.

3.            Contract Administration of Construction Labour Contracts: During project implementation and supervision, Buildafrique brings its expertise and experience in Construction Contract Management and Administration to ensure smooth implementation and administration of the contract to manage contract risks.

4.            Cost Control: Throughout the construction process, Buildafrique monitors project costs and variations, comparing them to the initial estimates thereby providing cost control services to keep the project within budget.

5.            Cost Value Engineering: Buildafrique as Quantity Surveyor and Labour Contract Construction Cost Consultant looks for ways to optimize project costs without sacrificing quality by suggesting value engineering options to reduce expenses while maintaining performance standards.

6.            Labour Contract Management: Buildafrique also takes part in managing labor contracts, which involves hiring qualified projects and construction project managers and Quantity Surveyors for the management of construction labor projects and labor contracts, including assisting in the negotiation, drafting, and management of labor contracts with contractors and subcontractors.

7.            Contractor and Subcontractor Relations: Additionally, Buildafrique also facilitates communication and coordination between the main contractors in a project, subcontractors, and laborers to maintain a harmonious working environment.

8.           Dispute Resolution: Buildafrique as Quantity surveyors may also be involved in resolving disputes related to project costs, change orders, and contractual issues, thereby providing expert opinions and documentation to support dispute resolution processes.

9.            Compliance and Regulations: Additionally, Buildafrique also ensures that all labor contracts adhere to local labor laws, regulations, and safety standards, including keeping the project in compliance with labor-related legal requirements.

10.         Post-Contract Services and Final Account Settlement: After the contract is awarded, Buildafrique continues to provide services such as progress payments, valuation of work done and certification management, financial appraisal and cost reporting, and final account settlement.

Construction Labor Contract Cost Consultants save up to 30% of the projects. Buildafrique therefore plays a vital role in ensuring that labor and materials costs are controlled and that construction projects are completed within budget and on schedule.

Contact Buildafrique Group on the contact page above, or call +254 722 474285.

You can also visit our Quantity Surveying and Construction Cost Consultancy page on our website Solutions Page for more information.